Restorative and Sedation

Restorative dentistry mainly focuses on repairing or replacing missing/damaged teeth. The main goal of restorative dentistry is to improve oral health and chewing function. Common dental restorations include crowns, bridges, and implants.

Your child may need restorative dentistry if they have:

  • Damaged or broken teeth.

  • Cavities/tooth decay

  • Missing teeth


Pediatric Dental Crowns

Reach out about Pediatric Dental Crowns

  • Preserve damaged baby teeth

  • Ensure adult teeth come in properly

  • Avoid tooth extraction

  • Stop further dental decay

  • Best possible eating habits and speech development.

It’s important to keep primary (baby) teeth until they fall out naturally to help with speech and food consumption and also ensure adult teeth coming in correctly. We know that If this happens, it reduces the likelihood that your child will have to go through orthodontic treatment. If your child’s pediatric dentist detects extensive decay that can’t be fixed with a filling, then the odds are high that they’ll recommend a pediatric dental crown to reduce further deterioration and save the tooth.

What is a Pediatric Dental Crown?

A crown is a cover or cap that goes over a damaged and weakened tooth. If your child suffers from cavities, also known as caries, or has dental defects causing their teeth to be soft and at risk of decay, your pediatric dentist at Ari Pediatric Dentistry may recommend a pediatric crown to return the tooth to its original glory.

What Types of Pediatric Crowns are Available?

There are numerous pediatric crowns. They come with their own advantages and considerations that need to be evaluated.

  1. Stainless steel crowns. These crowns are mainly used on children’s molars (at the back of the mouth). Many parents believe they contain mercury, but that’s a misconception. Since they are specifically designed for kids, they are 100% mercury-free! So you can rest assured steel crowns are entirely safe for use.

  2. Zirconia crowns. Zirconia is a special type of advanced bioceramic material offering patients an unmatched combination of esthetics, durability, and safety. When choosing a zirconia crown for your child, it’s almost impossible to tell the difference between a natural healthy tooth and the crown.

To find out more about the benefits of pediatric dental crowns, give our pediatric dental team a call. We can easily schedule an appointment for your child and determine if this is a treatment they require.

Nitrous Oxide “Happy Gas”

A Safe way to Help your Child Relax

Nitrous Oxide Makes For A More Pleasant Dental Visit

  • Takes the pain out of treatment

  • Reduces dental anxiety

  • Quick recovery time after sedation

  • Kids may not remember their visit

  • Safe to use

If you’ve experienced nitrous oxide (laughing gas) for a dental procedure before, then you know just how much easier and enjoyable it made your experience in the chair.

Well, it’s just as good for many young dental patients. As pediatric dentist in London, we routinely use it to alleviate anxiety, create a numbing effect, and enhance our communication with kids during treatment. It’s definitely the safest form of conscious sedation. So… there’s absolutely no need for concern! For most kids, it makes getting a filling or extraction a positive experience. And this lays the foundation for an excellent mental relationship with dentists and future dental visits.

How We Administer Nitrous Sedation

The gas is provided to your child through a tiny nosepiece. They’ll be awake at all points of their treatment. The effects of the gas wear off rather quickly after we’re finished our work.

To be able to provide your child with happy gas, we need to first get consent from you. In rare cases, a child may vomit while under sedation or their oxygen levels may decrease. If that happens, we’ll provide oxygen through a mask.

Feelings your child will experience include:

  • Sleep and relaxed

  • They’ll know what’s happening around them but won’t stress about it

  • Feeling like they’re floating

  • Warmth

  • Tingly feet and hands

After it’s all said and done, our pediatric team will monitor your child for a short period before you both leave. If they feel nauseous or sick, it’s completely OK for them to drink water or clear liquids.

Have questions about nitrous oxide and whether it’s suitable for your child’s subsequent treatment? Contact Ari Pediatric Dentistry, and we’ll answer any questions you have. We look forward to seeing you and your child soon.

Oral Sedation

Oral Sedation makes Dental visits more Convenient & Comfortable

  • better patient experience

  • children are cooperative

  • multiple treatments in one visit

  • reduce dental anxiety

  • improved communication during treatment

If your child has mild to moderate anxiety about dental visits, we’d like to tell you about oral sedation and how it will make their experience a more pleasant one.

What is Oral Sedation?

Oral sedation comes in liquid form. While it won’t cause your child to fall into a deep sleep, it will put them into a deeply relaxed, euphoric state. Throughout their procedure, they’ll be able to respond to their pediatric dentist in London. However, they may not end up remembering a thing from their visit. It provides a high level of comfort and really makes a difference with children who would other be uncooperative. And it’s incredibly convenient for you and us! Oral sedation makes it possible to complete multiple or complex procedures requiring numerous visits in just one or two appointments.

We highly recommend oral conscious sedation. We provide it to kids before they undergo treatment. This is because it needs a bit of time to kick in.

4 Goals of Oral Sedation Include:

  1. Provide the most comfortable, efficient, and high-quality service for your child

  2. Control poor patient behavior that interferes with the care we provide

  3. Produce a positive psychological attitude in kids toward future visits

  4. Promote patient safety and welfare

For a tiny percentage of our pediatric patients, oral sedation may not be the right option if there are extensive dental needs or insufficient response to the medication. Call our team today for any questions about this anxiety-reducing option!

General Anesthesia

General anesthesia may be a good option for your child if they:

  • Cannot relax enough for treatment to be safely performed
  • Require oral surgery that may be difficult to tolerate awake

  • Require extensive dental procedures that are best done in a single appointment

  • Have a disability that limits their ability to understand directions

Depending on a child’s age, level of cooperation, and dental condition, general anesthesia may be recommended to deliver treatment in a safe and comfortable manner. In children’s dentistry, this means putting kids to sleep, so they can remain perfectly still and relaxed while the dentist restores their bright, young smiles. General anesthesia is recognized as a safe and effective way to treat children who have limited comprehension or those that are uncooperative and require dental care that is technically difficult or unsafe to deliver.  With general anesthesia, we are often able to complete extensive treatment in one appointment. Our office is certified for General Anesthesia services by the Royal College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario and anesthesia is administered by a Board-Certified Medical Anesthesiologist.

All necessary precautions are taken to protect your child during general anesthesia.  All members of the medical anesthesia team are trained to monitor your child closely and manage any potential complications that may arise.  Risks, benefits, and alternatives to treatment are discussed prior to treatment at your child’s consultation visit.  Our office is specially equipped for these treatments, so you may avoid hospital wait times and unnecessary interim antibiotics for your child.

To find out if your child is a candidate for general anesthesia, book their appointment with our highly skilled team today.

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    best children dentist in london

    Give us a Call Today!

    As a pediatric dentist in London at Ari Pediatric Dentistry, we love looking after the oral health of children of all ages in our community. Contact us today! We’ll help your child get started on the right foot.
    About Ari Dental

    We are a friendly team of dentists, hygienists and receptionists who work together to ensure that you receive the best treatment you require.
